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Friday, February 22, 2013

Clockwork Prince Read Along w Mundie Mom

I will be participating in the read along w Mundie Mom and all the TMI fans who are reading along and commenting as well. If you're a fan as I am, come join the fun. Here's the link.

Here is the schedule.  I will be responding to each chapter's question so if you're curious on what I gotta say since it would be my 2nd time around reading this book and first time participating in a discussion (Q&A).
The ScheduleFebruary:
20th: Prologue
21st: Chapter 1, The Council Chamber
22nd: Chapter 2, Reparations
23rd: Chapter 3, Unjustifiable Death
24th: Chapter 4, A Journey
25th: Chapter 5, Shades of the Past
26th: Chapter 6, In Silence Sealed
27th: Chapter 7, The Curse
28th: Chapter 8, A Shadow on The Soul

1st: Chapter 9, Fierce Midnight
2nd: Chapter 10, The Virtue of Angels
3rd: Chapter 11, Wild Unrest
4th: Chapter 12, Masquerade
5th: Chapter 13, The Mortal Sword
6th: Chapter 14, The Silent City
7th: Chapter 15, Thousands More
8th: Chapter 16, Mortal Rage
9th: Chapter 17, In Dreams
10th: Chapter 18, Until I Die
11th: Chapter 19, If Treason Doth Prosper
12th: Chapter 20, The Bitter Root
13th: Chapter 21, Coals of Fire
14th: Notes on Tessa's London, Will's Letter and other Extras found with CP
15th: Wrap up & our predictions for Clockwork Princess

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lots-of-Love Day Thursday Questionaire

TMI Source ASKS .. So who from THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS or THE INFERNAL DEVICES would you want to be your Valentine?

And i ANSWER .. That depends on what kind if valentine I want.

Hmm, a spontaneous one with awesome travel and delites with blue sparks and glitter to brighten the night? That would be the High Warlock of Brooklyn; Sir Magnus Bane.

If I wanted internally damaged goods with the skills and smirks and the looks to kill with and an adventure to the edge of the world and beyond, well that would either be Will or Jace.

Sweet and shy are adorable traits and guys with no border, .. Is Jem available?

If you say i had to choose a night in w popcorn and no dramas but with Naruto waiting, Simon would be the guy!

I can go on n on but the night is short so HAppy Lot-of-Love Day and may the odds be in my favor!

P.s. - For the Curious George inside you, plz visit

Monday, February 11, 2013

Movie Brawl 2013: Who Will be The Brawlsiest? Result

Sorry for the super late results but I got it!

The most anticipated movie of 2013 in the Movie Brawl is . . Hold it . .


If you've read it, you'll know it a must see this year. It was a very close battle with THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES.

I had a feeling CATCHING FIRE would win over CITY OF BONES only because Catching Fire is the 2nd book and it already has dedicated audiences and fans from the first installment of THE HUNGER GAMES movie last year. This year has a great start for CITY OF BONES and its only just the beginning. With Sony Pictures, it's gonna be a great movie.

It was a great brawl and a continual battle for first place for the MTV Most Anticipated Movie Brawl in 2014.

It's not long until 2014 is here so don't forget then to vote for your favorite!

Definitely watch both movies and for sure pick up your copies of both series, they're awesome, totally different stories, you have my word! (P.s. that's only if we see eye to eye and have the same YA fan-fiction obsession!) ^_^¥

Movie Monday at TMI SOURCE

Credits to TMI SOURCE of course.

Movie Monday #36: Clary and Jocelyn have an arguement.

To me this isn't even an argument wether to have this scene or not in the movie, it's definitely must. This scene is pretty important. This scene gives you, the audience, a glance of what kind of relationship Clary and Jocelyn has. It also introduces us to Luke, Madame Dorothea, the gold-green eyes like a cat of Magnus. This is also the reason why Clary would get to use one of the demon tracking device (and gets to kill a demon) Clary takes from Jace when she meets him in front of Java Jones where she and Simon has coffee and was listening to Eric and the band perform. Pretty important to be cut out!

P.s. - there's also an intro that links to Valentine and Jocelyn's current state.

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Bane Chronicles first picture release

Picture courtesy of TMI Source

Beautiful Creatures pictures

All pictures courtesy of the owner via Twitter / Facebook.