My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Book review: Shatter Me
Page 40, 11% - I like this story so far. It's earth after some kind of tragedy that effects the whole planet. POV is Juliette in a prison who ends up sharing her cell with Adam whos about her age. She shows him how the system works while he in turn provide her with he comfort of a friend, a companion who she hasn't had in 200ish days. The writing style is descriptive and very artistic in a way it paints the picture clearly whether it be the weather, the four walled cell, her emotions and her thoughts. It's painted so vividly clear and imaginative. Little objects have bigger impacts, bigger meanings. Simplicity is rare.
"I wish I could stuff my mouth full of rain- drops and fill my pockets full of snow. I wish I could trace the veins in a fallen leaf and feel the wind pinch my nose."
13% - A girls who's hiding herself, blocking her emotions, her feelings, yet desperately reaching out for someone, Adam, to touch her to make her feel whole, feel human, feel normal, feel wanted. Probably to be loved, feelings she never got once her parents knew about her.
17% - A spy, betrayal, choosing sides. A boot in her spine. It's all too much all at once but all I can think of is what does Adam really think n feel? Does he remember Juliette from school? Because she does. Does he feel anything from her? Because her body aches his touch.
21% - All I ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being not just with my hands but with my heart."
She's so emotionally wrecked! AllI had to do was open a book—to see the sto- ries bleeding from page to page. To see the memories etched onto paper. " .. "I spent my life folded between the pages of books. In the absence of human relationships I formed bonds with paper characters. I lived love and loss through stories threaded in his- tory; I experienced adolescence by associ- ation. My world is one interwoven web of words, stringing limb to limb, bone to sinew, thoughts and images all together. I am a be- ing comprised of letters, a character created by sentences, a figment of imagination formed through fiction. They want to delete every point of punctu- ation in my life from this earth and I don’t think I can let that happen."
I wanted so badly to reach in n calm her soul and tell her everything will eventually be ok, it's ok, shhhhh.
4/21 10:50pm DONE
If I were to just read to title and expect an awesome read. That's impossible! But that's exactly what I got! An awesome read! The cover image is pretty n interesting. I'm awed by the writing. It's easy to read with a good flow. The story line is smooth with unexpected turns from one alley to the other. If I read the first few chapters and the last few and try to fill in the middle? I'm screwed because they don't seem to exist in the same story let alone the attitude and flow of both ends. My feelings for this book? My thoughts? Just two words, shatter ME! Book two please! In honesty I had mixed feelings for this read. I've read a few comments /reviews about this book and had mixed thoughts of what I wanted to do. Buy or not? Trust reviews? But decide a review should not determine my choice of dropping the book but read it with an open mind. And I did! And I'm dumbfounded by why some of the haters even attempt to read fiction if their mindset wasn't ready. The way of the writing isn't difficult at all to read but actually tells you and takes you straight into the mind of the characters, of their type of style. It's lends you a type of shadow where you can understand the characters better through their thought process. The writer may create a character but the characters themselves are a separate entity of the writer and this author does an awesome job with character development and giving each character their own set of personality that bleeds through the pages. I'm still so stuck on the image of Warner and Juliette but I'm rooting for Adam no matter what.
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