Found a list of some books Cassie likes to read from This list is very important to me. She is an awesome author and when an awesome author likes certain books, it's a "MUST-READ!" I haven't been disappointed yet.
For example, I read Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga and you can't be more impressed and in love with vampires and when Stephenie Meyers listed a few books on her website and Cassie's books were amongst the list, that's how I discovered another favorite author! It's a contagious "good" disease that is a MUST-READ urge and you devour will anything they like or touch!
For example, I read Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga and you can't be more impressed and in love with vampires and when Stephenie Meyers listed a few books on her website and Cassie's books were amongst the list, that's how I discovered another favorite author! It's a contagious "good" disease that is a MUST-READ urge and you devour will anything they like or touch!